A total of $70,000 was awarded towards education, community wellbeing and outreach programs in the second round of the NSLHD and NORTH Foundation Grants Program for 2023 towards these projects:
- An informative video with an aim to create a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for patients, carers and visitors to Ryde Hospital which will be translated into the key languages spoken in the LGA.
- An improvement training video which demonstrates aseptic technique practices when working in community settings and patient homes for Macquarie Hospital Home Nursing Service.
- An immersive dementia education workshop for community nurses at Macquarie Hospital using high quality virtual reality technology to enable participants to see the world through the eyes of a person living with dementia.
- The CHAT (Child Helper Articulation Training) project for NSLHD Child Youth and Family services which consists of structured education for parents in the form of video sessions and consultation with a Speech Pathologist to tailor and support the training.
- A patient reorientation project to support patients with cognitive impairment to be easily directed if lost or wandering to identify their bed space independently through colour coding at Royal North Shore Hospital.
- The availability of a virtual reality headset at Ryde Hospital emergency department as a distraction for painful or distressing procedures to help decrease pain and anxiety particularly for vulnerable patient groups.
- A dedicated education and learning space with resources dedicated to education and training purposes for staff at Ryde Hospital which are an essential part of the continuous quality improvement and clinical innovation. The resources will be utilised to deliver education, training and information sessions for patients and families, virtually, including multidisciplinary sessions.
Applications for the grants program are assessed by the NORTH Foundation and the NSLHD Funding Advisory Committee (FAC). The purpose of the FAC is to work in partnership with the NORTH Foundation to distribute untied and semi-tied funds fairly and equitably across the NSLHD.
The grants program launched in June 2021 to provide a new opportunity for staff across the NSLHD to access untied funding received from compassionate donors who are committed to healthcare and better patient outcomes. Click here to learn more about the NSLHD and NORTH Foundation Grants Program.