Welcome to the NORTH Foundation

The NORTH Foundation works in partnership with our hospitals and research units within the Northern Sydney Local Health District to raise much needed funds so they can continue to provide the best in patient care and drive research to find solutions to real-world health problems impacting our community.

What we do

The NORTH Foundation, through the power of collective giving, strives to connect patient care and community wellbeing with world-class medical research and excellence in education, infrastructure and equipment.

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How you can help the NORTH Foundation

How you can help

There are so many ways you can help the NORTH Foundation maintain and continue to provide the best in patient care and drive research to find solutions to the real-world health problems impacting our community.

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Donations make such a difference to patient care, staff, the facilities and research undertaken in the Northern Sydney Local Health District.

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News from NORTH

Man standing under an emergency sign Hospital/Staff StoriesNews
1 July 2024

Royal North Shore Hospital: Providing Exceptional Emergency Care

Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH) has one of the busiest emergency departments (ED) in Sydney providing emergency care to approximately one million residents within the Northern Sydney Local Health District…
Kay Van Norton Poche AO News
17 June 2024

In Memory of Kay Van Norton Poche AO: A Tribute to a Remarkable Friend

It is with profound sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Kay Van Norton Poche AO, a beloved friend and supporter of the NORTH Foundation. Kay’s legacy of generosity and…
NewsPatient Stories
7 June 2024

Joshua’s Legacy – Funding the Fight Against Medullary Thyroid Cancer

Each year, almost 4,000 Australians will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Joshua Adam Stanton was only 40 years old when he lost his fight against an exceptionally rare type of…

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