In 2022, only 1,224 Australians received a life-saving organ transplant with 713 kidney and 260 liver transplants taking place.
However, there are currently around 1,850 Australians on the organ transplant waitlist.

Jodie and Brett Barton
Jodie was suffering from polycystic kidney and liver disease. In April 2022, she was in kidney failure and commenced dialysis while waiting for a kidney donation. Five generous people, including her husband Brett, started the extensive testing process to see if they could be a living kidney donor. As it turned out, her husband was the chosen kidney donor, and the successful transplant took place at Royal North Shore Hospital.
Unfortunately, further health complications relating to her condition, meant that Jodie was placed on the waitlist for a liver transplant, and once again that helpless feeling of waiting for an organ transplant began.
Brett & Jodie Barton run Barton Commercial Property based in Fyshwick and wanted to use their platform within the property industry to raise funds for education and awareness programs for potential living donors and recipients who must navigate the complex pathway until transplant.

The NORTH Foundation team receiving $25,000 raised during the 2023 fundraising event
The inaugural Second Chance Charity Golf Cup held in October 2022 at Queanbeyan Golf Club, raised an incredible $100,000. The 2023 event raised another $50,000, bringing the total raised from the charity golf days to an impressive $150,000 which was shared between the NORTH Foundation and Transplant Australia.
In November 2023, Jodie received the call that a liver had become available, and they rushed to Sydney where a successful transplant operation took place the following morning. The transplant has turned her life around, but they know it could not have taken place without a deceased donor and are deeply grateful to the family who gave their consent for the organ donation to proceed.
If you would like to support or say thank you to healthcare staff for the care they provided to you or a loved one, please make a donation here.