My husband Peter and I have been married for 63 years and Peter has had his fair share of medical issues over the years.
When Peter was told he had a pituitary tumour wrapped around a major artery in his brain, I was very concerned. The doctor said it required immediate treatment to stop the spread as it had the potential to leave him blind.
Peter had surgery at Royal North Shore Hospital and during the weeks that followed, he was in and out of the ICU. Even though he received fantastic treatment and care from his healthcare team, it was still a very stressful time for me.
While all this was happening, I started to experience stiffness down one side of my body, so I made an appointment with my local doctor. You can imagine how shocked I was when the doctor told me I was experiencing symptoms of a mini stroke. She took me aside and calmly said I wasn’t going home today but that I was being transfered to Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital.

When I woke up that morning, I had no idea I was going to be wheeled into a stroke ward.
If you’re grateful for the care that you or your loved ones have received at one of the hospitals within the Northern Sydney Local Health District, I hope that you will consider making a tax-deductible gift to support the NORTH Foundation.
The doctors and nurses at Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital made sure to not only take care of me during my week-long stay, but to also keep me up to date twice a day about Peter who was still a patient at Royal North Shore Hospital. The way the two hospitals communicated with each other throughout our stays was phenomenal and just goes to show how well organised the Northern Sydney Local Health District is when it comes to putting patients first.

Even now, Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital continues to support us. I was going from chemist to chemist trying to find Peter’s medication but due to stock supplies I just couldn’t find any. However, a visit to the chemist at the hospital eased my concerns as they sourced it for him straight away.
Our experience has been fabulous. We have continued to be supported by our local hospital, even though we are no longer patients. I personally feel so grateful for the healthcare teams in our local hospitals who are all working so hard to be there for us when we need them. We are also donors to the NORTH Foundation and Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital to say thank you for their care.
Your gift can make a difference too. Please consider making a donation to the NORTH Foundation tax appeal to support your local hospital today.
We are both very grateful patients. We donate because the experienced staff have always taken such good care of us. You never know when you will need their care and they have always been there for us when we needed them most.
We’re now both in our 80s, enjoying good health and life is incredibly busy. Who said retirees sit around and just play bingo all day!?
I encourage you to please give what you can to support the NORTH Foundation today.
All the best to you and your family,

Robyn Elliott
PS Please show your support for your local healthcare workers by donating today. Your gift will make a tangible impact on the lives of patients like me and Peter.
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